-David Strobach.-
There is no Hall of Fame where Castro is going……
Fidel Castro, the cruel and harsh Cuban dictator, may have had an opportunity that could have altered the path of Cuba, history and his own life. Fidel Castro was a star pitcher at the University of Havana. It was always rumored that Fidel tried out for either the Washington Senators or the New York Yankees. So…what if? What if he had made the team?
This is more than baseball…this is world history.
Castro, one of the most cruel dictators in the world; could things have gone differently? He ranks among the inhumane ruthless dictators in history. Let’s review: Castro, a communist, lived in an obscenely luxurious palace, ruled with violent military force, while his own people would average an income of about 19 dollars a month. Human rights were being stripped from the people including: freedom of choice, freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. Embargos left the people hungry and without employment. Whoever would oppose him was imprisoned, many “disappeared”, and thousands were forced to flee Cuba. So many innocent lives and families were affected. Sadly, numerous people were tortured and killed.
Think about this. What would’ve have happened to Cuba if Fidel Castro made it to the “Bigs?” Would so many lives still have been ruined? Would another ruthless dictator just have taken his place in history? How would the Cuban missile crisis have turned out? Would it ever have happened at all? Would Cuba be communist? If not, would they have been our allies? Could the Cold War have ended differently or at least the threats? Could world history have been totally different? What if headlines read, CASTRO THROWS NO HITTER! instead of CASTRO KILLS PROTESTERS????
It’s amazing to think . . . what would have happened if he had only made the team and been part of something awesome, like BASEBALL !?!?!?
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Pic from: http://sabr.org/bioproj/topic/fidel-castro-and-baseball
Tagged: Cruelty of Fidel Castro, cuba, dictaior, Fidel Castro, history, Washington Senators, yankees